Wednesday 9 January 2013

What do you need?

I haven't written my blog for quite some time, although after my Bible readings today decided that it might be time to start it back up again.
Today's readings started in Matthew 7. Here we find Jesus, healing a man with leprosy, remotely healing the Centurion's servant and healing Peter's mother-in-law.
In all of these situations, Jesus was meeting the needs of those he met along the way. In the case of the man with leprosy, Jesus was just walking down the mountain and this man came to him with a need. Jesus dealt with that need and then moves on. In the case of the Centurion's servant, he doesn't even see the man he just see's the faith of his employer and deals once again with the situation. Lastly, we read of Jesus visiting his friends home where he sees the need of his mother-in-law and once again Jesus sees a need and fills that need.
How often do we follow the example Jesus gives? Jesus tells us to go and do likewise, however I don't think we always do. I know personally that often I miss the signs of others, and even don't know what to do in a situation. Jesus knows exactly what to do and when to do it. 
What about you and I? What do we need? We so often have a list of demands for God, but they are not our needs they are our wants. When we come to God in prayer we offer him up a list of can you do this, and can you do that, when none of it is really what we need. Jesus already knows what we need, so what do you need today? What do you want to share with the Lord today? How can  your life be impacted today by God? Why not ask God to give you what he wants you to have today, and see what happens - it will be amazing.

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