Monday, 9 May 2011

What do you have to give?

John chapter 6 begins with the feeding of the 5000. This is a well known story of Jesus but as always the bible no matter how much we think we know it guides us in our situations. 
This morning I went to a school for an assembly and was greeted as usual by the head teacher. She is really great and we had a good conversation. I asked her what subject she wanted me to talk to the children on as I didn't know if she had a subject in mind. I don't really know why I did this as I had already planned the talk before reaching the school.
Anyway, long story short, I had planned the wrong subject. Fortunately for me I had read John 6 before leaving for work this morning and so was ready within a few minutes. 
The subject the school wanted was 'doing our best' I think the story of the feeding of the 5000 epitomises that. The little boy in the story gives what he has, 5 loaves and 2 fish, and Jesus does something amazing with it. The small boy doesn't have much, but what he does have he gives. That's all that Jesus asks of us. We need to give what we have to him and he will do something amazing with it. 
This could be anything. It could be something that we are good at, it could be our time, it could even being a good listener for someone that needs to talk. Whatever you are good at, or even whatever you have give it to Jesus today and be amazed at what he will do. It might be a miracle! It might change your life! Whatever it is just do it - and be expectant at what God will do!

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