Sunday, 23 October 2011

Above all!

In the first chapter of Hebrews the writer tells of how honoured Jesus is in the Kingdom. He is above the angels, He is the Son of God, He laid the foundations of the earth.
If God can pay this kind of honour to our Lord & Saviour, then so should we. We so often take our Saviour for granted. I'm not saying that we do it consciously, or intentionally, but I think we do. 
Jesus should be the very centre of our lives, without Him our lives are meaningless.  

I know that I've said this many times before and written it in my blog, but it never ceases to amaze me that the Lord of Heaven and earth, the creator of the Universe, the King of Kings, the Son of Almighty God Himself, came to earth, lived as a man, and died the most horrific death so that I could be saved!
I'm really glad that the writer of Hebrews started this letter this way. He or she really helps to focus us on who we serve. We need to give honour to our God and King and show Him what He means to us. God has elevated Him - so should we!

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