Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Be Blessed!

I haven't written my blog for a few days now, its amazing how when you are busy its so easy to get out of the habit of doing something - even something that you enjoy! 
Anyway, back to Genesis. In chapter 29 we find Isaac blessing Jacob and sending him to find a wife. This got me thinking - how often do we bless others? How often do we send our children out with a blessing?
We are blessed to be a blessing, so why not share it? We need to be a blessing to others, and they need to be a blessing to those they meet. I'm not going to go on and on about this today, I just want to think about how much of a blessing am I? Do I show others the love of Jesus in everything I say and do? Probably not! Well if not why not? I need in fact we all need to look to Him and make sure that everything we do blesses and shows the love of Jesus to the world outside. We can't stay in our holy huddles and expect to make a difference in the world - we need to get out and share the blessings that we have with everyone else - and that means we leave the building!

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