Sunday 27 February 2011

A few thoughts...

I was teaching this morning in our Sunday School, which I don't really like to call that, so I'll call it by its correct name - Xcel group. I wasn't really very prepared as I was a stand in and only found out about 2 mins before. We looked at 2 Timothy 1 and I had such a great time with this passage, talking with the kids, that I thought I'd share some of the thoughts so that I would remember them as well as maybe blessing someone else that just happens to read it.

Anyway in this passage Paul is writing to Timothy to encourage him to keep going for Jesus. As a group we decided that we need to encourage one another more. We need to help one another when we are feeling low, or when we are feeling like everything around us is going pear shaped. We need to pray for one another, pray with one another! Lets face it if its good enough for Jesus then its good enough for us! In John 17 Jesus prayed the most amazing prayer - He is just about to go to the cross and he prays firstly that God's will be done through him, then he prays for his disciples and lastly but by no means least, he prays for me! OK not just me, but he prays for all those who believe in him through the message of the disciples - the rest of us! I love this - my name might not be in the bible, but Jesus still chooses to pray for me just before he chooses to die for me! I can't even begin to imagine the awesomeness of that. It blows my mind to even try and think about it. If you've never read this passage of scripture - read it! It is the most amazing, awesome, inspiring, fantastic prayer ever! Then read John 19 and read what Jesus did so that we can have a relationship with him, so that we can be forgiven! What an awesome Saviour I have! What an awesome Saviour we have!

He is also reminding Timothy that he is not alone, that the Holy Spirit is with him. We need to remember this too! We can encourage one another to know that we are never ever alone. Jesus sent his comforter to be with us to guide us and give us courage, so that we can be all that we need to be for him! How amazing is it to know that I am not alone? How amazing to know that the Holy Spirit wants to share my life, wants to be a part of my life, wants to show me God's love and so much more.

Paul then goes on to tell Timothy not to be ashamed. I am not ashamed to say that Jesus is Lord of my life and that he died for me and that he is the ONLY way to heaven! However, I know that its easy for me to say this. I live in a country where I have free speech, am allowed to read the word of God etc...I know that I am privileged, and I don't take that lightly. I also know because the word of God tells me that this will not always be the case, and that one day I won't be so fortunate. 

Anyway, if you are reading this then I hope that you have been blessed. If you are a Christian then remember that you are never alone and that the Holy Spirit is with you always! If you are not a Christian and you would like to be then its easy! Just read the following prayer and believe it in your heart and then your in!
Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I ask you to be my Saviour and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Help me to be the kind of person you want me to be. 

If you would like to know more then please feel free to contact me or look on the following web link

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