Wednesday 2 March 2011

Thinking some more...

I've been thinking today how much do we support one another? Am I an encouragement to the people I work with? Am I an encouragement to the people I work for? Do I encourage my friends and family in their walk with Jesus. 
I was reading an amazing passage of scripture this morning, in fact it's one of my favorite stories about Moses. In Exodus 17:8-16 we find the story of when the Amalekites are attacking Israel. Moses sends Joshua with some troops to go and fight them, and while the fight is going on, Moses stands on the mountain with his hands in the air. When Moses' raised the staff of God, Joshua is winning the battle, when Moses lowers the staff of God, then Joshua and his army begin to loose the battle. Moses' arms get tired and so Aaron and Hur hold Moses arms up for him so that Israel can win the battle - which they inevitably do.

I know that this is an obvious point that I'm making, but less face it, sometimes the obvious things are missed! When Moses held the staff of God upwards the army was winning! When we lift God high in our lives then we cannot lose. When Moses' didn't hold the staff of God up the army was losing, its the same for us, when we look away from God then we are on a path to destruction. We need to hold the name of God high, we need to praise God for everything he's done in our lives, we need to look to God in everything and then we cannot lose.
Another thing to think about - When Moses got tired his friends were there to lift him up! How often do we encourage one another in our Christian walks? When we are low we need to be there to encourage one another to keep going in our faith. Paul did exactly that with Timothy as I wrote last time. How often do we say an encouraging word; or join in something that isn't our thing just because we want to support the people doing it; or join in something just because its God's will. Sometimes we have to do things no matter how stupid, or how much we don't want to do it, we just do it to obey God and support others in their obedience to God.
My prayer is that God would help me to keep my eyes on him, to be an encourager, and help me to show the people that I meet that I belong to him. I want to show others that Jesus is Lord of my Life!

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