Wednesday 14 March 2012

Give God the Glory!

I haven't done my blogg for a few weeks and to be honest I think it's done me some good. The reason for not doing it was originally because I was unwell, and so unable to complete my daily thoughts. But as I regained my strength and started to feel better I still didn't start writing.
I felt that God was telling me that even though this is a good thing, if it becomes about doing it and not glorifying Him then it's not the right thing to do.
I want everything I do to point to Jesus. I don't want to do things because they make me feel good, or because others like it - I want to do what God has called me to do. 
I decided today to write something about this instead of writing about my bible study. It's not about what we do - it's about the heart we have when we do it. I will continue to do my blogg, but I really feel that it has to be about glorifying Jesus and not just about completing another thought process.
Everything we do as Christians MUST be about Him. It's not what we want, what we think or even what we think might be the right thing to do - it's about listening to the Holy Spirit and asking Him to guide us, to strengthen us, and to make our lives about Glorifying the one who was and is and is to come.
Let's make sure that we glorify Jesus today, let's not do things because of the feel good factor or because we've always done it. Let's live lives that make a difference and give the glory to the Name above all other names - Jesus.
Lord use me today for your glory - help me be an asset to your team. 

Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven - Matthew 5:16

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