Monday, 13 June 2011

Acts 8 - The Power!

Today I've been reading about a man that wanted to pay money for the power of the Holy Spirit. Simon saw what God was doing through other people and he wanted it too, so he tried to pay Peter and John to give him 'The Power' 
This made me think about the Holy Spirit in my life. I don't need to pay anything, I don't need to do anything. I just need to ask and I will receive. This is the great thing about Salvation is its free. Jesus paid the FULL price. It's the same with the Holy Spirit. All we need to do is ask, all we need to do is receive.
The Holy Spirit will never force himself on you, he will never make you do anything you don't want to do. However, he does want to be part of our lives. Jesus sent his Holy Spirit to be with us and guide us as well as give us the power and courage to do things. If we ignore the Holy Spirit or choose not to have him in our lives, then we are ignoring part of Jesus commission. He told us that he would send a comforter. He promised not to leave us alone. So why would we choose to be alone and ignore the Holy Spirit.
If you don't know the Holy Spirit, get to know him. He is there to help and guide you. Just ask and he will come. Trust in him and he will guide you. 

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