Thursday, 9 June 2011

No compromise!

In today's passage of scripture in Acts chapter 5, we once again find the disciples in trouble with the Jewish authorities. People are bringing their sick to be healed and God is adding to the number of believers on a daily basis. The disciples are arrested and once again told that they must stop preaching the name of Jesus.
The disciples are not swayed though. In fact after being flogged they are set free and go straight back to the temple proclaiming the gospel more than ever.
The early church was not influenced by man, they were not bullied into compromise, and they were not bothered about what people thought of them.
We need to stop being influenced by the world and only be influenced by the Holy Spirit. We need to stop compromising what we believe just to please those who don't believe the whole bible. We need to stop worrying what others think of us and start worrying what God thinks of us. We need to stop being politically correct just so that we don't offend someone. I'm not saying that we need to be nasty to people, but I do believe that we have to speak out the gospel of Jesus Christ, and if that is offensive to people then so be it.  

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