Tuesday 10 April 2012

Are you a Thomas?

Today we began our Easter holiday club for children and the story today was about Thomas who doubted that Jesus was alive after His crucifixion. It's a famous story and Thomas got the nick name - Doubting Thomas.
Jesus reveals Himself to Thomas and so he believes and then Jesus says these very famous words:
"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29
Before starting the club today as I was reading through this passage, it really struck me how we are all in a different place even though we are all on the same journey.
Thomas, with the other disciples had seen Jesus do many miracles, had spent three years following His every word, but yet he still couldn't believe that Jesus was back from the grave. He'd seen Jesus raise both Jairus' daughter and Lazarus from the grave, but he couldn't quite get his head around Jesus being back from death.
This made me think about us today. There are many kinds of people all in different places. Some people know Jesus as Lord and Saviour; some people know only of Jesus as a swear word; some people think of Him as a story; some think of Him only as a good man that said good things. However, whoever we are, whatever part of our life journey we are on, Jesus loves us and wants to be part of our lives.
Where are you today? Do you believe that Jesus is Lord? Do you know that even if you don't believe in Him that He loves you anyway? Thomas had to see to believe and I guess most people today are of the same mindset. But let's just think of this for a moment - you can't see wind but you can feel it, you can't see air but you can breath it. Thomas only believed because he'd seen Jesus - what are you going to do today? Ask Jesus to reveal Himself to you and He will. You've got nothing to loose!

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