Saturday 7 April 2012

The cross

We are in the middle of the weekend that changed the world. Easter is the most important celebration of the Christian calender. It's a time when we come together and remember what Jesus did for us over 2000 years ago.
I was thinking this morning though, it's not just a time for remembering although that is right to do, it should be a time of Celebration.
Jesus death wasn't the end, but the beginning. Jesus death wasn't to be mourned, but to be celebrated. People think of the cross as a symbol of death and suffering - which it was. But to me as a Christian it represents my Salvation. Without the cross then my life would be so different. Without the cross of Jesus I would be going to a lost eternity. Without the cross I would be on the path of destruction. Without the cross I would be separate from God.
Let's celebrate this Easter what Christ did for us. Yes it was the cruellest of deaths, but through His death, Jesus paid the price for ALL. We are free because of the cross, we are saved because of the cross, we are forgiven because of the cross, we have a hope and a future because of the cross. 
If you don't know what the cross is all about, and what it means to have a hope and a future, then put your trust in Jesus. He will show you what the cross is all about. Why not pick up the bible today and read about what Jesus did for us ALL. He didn't die only for those who believe in Him, He died for everyone. Make this Easter extra special this year. If you don't know who Jesus is, ask Him to reveal Himself to you and start the greatest adventure of your life. Learn about what the cross really means and make a decision to follow the one who took the punishment that we deserve - choose to follow Jesus.

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