Monday 15 April 2013

As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!

It's been a while since writing in my blog, and so I thought I'd write about what I believe God has been saying to me over the last few weeks. I've been praying for guidance about different situations and every time I get the scripture from Joshua 24:15," But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
I believe that this scripture is as much for today as it was all those years ago when Joshua spoke them to the Israelites. Who are we serving? We may say that we are Christians, we may even believe that we are, but are we serving God or man? Are we serving God or our own self? Are we serving God or are we just paying him lip service?
Joshua served the Lord completely, he cherished his word and lived and believed it. So many 'Christians' today don't believe the word of God. I find this so hard to believe that people that say they love the Lord and believe in him, don't believe his word as the truth. The word of God is not negotiable! If God says he did something, then that is what he did! How dare we choose to dispute the word of God. How dare we call God a liar! I fear for those 'Christians' who choose to accept some of the Bible and not all of it. I fear for those who believe that God could have created the world through evolution! I fear for those who dispute creation, the flood, miracles, healing and all the other amazing things that God has done and recorded in the Bible so that we can learn more of who he is and what he has done. 
Joshua served the Lord entirely. He never compromised, he was a man of his word. Do we compromise? Do we give in when the going gets tough? If so, WHY? Jesus doesn't promise an easy life, although he does promise a life in all its fullness. If there is one thing I have learnt in my 10 years being a Christ follower, I will NOT compromise the things of God. Many Christians today don't see the bad in things so they accept anything because it looks looks fine, it doesn't hurt anyone so lets accept it! So many Christians today are so afraid of what others think of them that they won't stand for righteousness. They are blinded by science, they are afraid of being different, they are complacent and don't worry about what God thinks about how they act. They are more concerned about what man thinks than how they make God feel. 
I know that I don't get things right all the time. I know this side of glory I will not be perfect. I know that I am a sinner saved by grace. My prayer is that like Joshua I will stand when the going get's tough, that I will serve the Lord and stand for his word all my life. 
If you are reading this and thinking this could be you, if you know that you don't believe all of the word of God, then ask him to change you. If you know in your heart that you have compromised or accepted things as OK just because everyone else has, then ask God to reveal it to you and repent.
My biggest prayer for anyone reading this is that the Lord will bless you and keep you and have his face to shine upon you. That he will convict you and I regarding sin and righteousness, and that we will stand, that we will serve, that we will honour the creator of the Universe and give him the worship that he deserves.

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