Saturday, 16 July 2011

Romans 2 - Inside Out

In this chapter of Romans, Paul talks about the Jews and the law. He warns them of being more for the law than for their relationship with God. He warns them that they are not a Jew on the outside, they must be a Jew inside too.
We need to remember this as Christians too. We need to make sure that our relationship is the top of the list, and not all the stuff that goes with being a Christian. Obviously we have to obey God, however, if we put the stuff before our relationship with God then we are wasting our time. So what is important in our lives? Are we busy judging others, or even acting as a Christian outwardly, but inwardly we are not.
God asks us to give our whole lives to him. He wants us warts and all. Jesus didn't die so that we could have a hobby. He didn't go to the cross so that we could have yet another social club. Jesus death made it possible that we don't have to live under the law, but through grace. I don't want to be religious, I want to live my life for Him, with Him and through Him. I want to make sure that I have God inside and out

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