Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Romans 5 - Debt paid!

I must admit this final part of chapter 5 is not an easy read. When you read it aloud it sounds very confusing. However, we can praise God for what this passage actually means. 
In a nutshell this is what its says:
We through Adams sin are all sinners and deserve to be punished, but through the gift of Jesus dying on the cross we are saved.
Jesus death was our saving gift from God. How amazing is that? We did the wrong stuff and God paid the debt for us with a gift. That means we owe him nothing. When we give someone a gift it's free. They don't pay us back they just get it. So it is with Salvation. We did the wrong, Jesus paid the price we are free - Job done! 
Let's Praise God for the debt being paid. Let's thank our Lord and Saviour for paying our debts off. Let's remember that even though we don't deserve the forgiveness and grace of God - we get it anyway just by receiving Jesus as Lord. 

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