Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Romans - Perfect timing!

Paul begins his letter to the Romans telling them of how he'd longed to visit them for such a long time but had been prevented. Even though Paul wanted to go to Rome and tell them about Jesus, he didn't go. He didn't do what he longed to do, he did what God wanted him to do. He followed God's lead and not his own ambitions.
We can learn a lot from the first part of this initial chapter. So often we want to do something and just go headlong into it without a thought of the consequences. We sometimes even forget to seek God about the situation we find ourselves drawn into, and just get so caught up into what 'we' want or what 'I' want that we forget to involve God at all.
I know that Paul had other reasons for not going straight to Rome, like the fact that he just happened to be under arrest and then he got shipwrecked while he was on his way. However, he still only did what God wanted him to do. He still listened to the instructions given by the Holy Spirit to go at the right time - God's time. 
Let's seek God always, His timing is never too early or too late - its perfect. 

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