Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Every breath you take!

Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.
Genesis chapter 2 continues the story of creation. This verse is how God created man - He breathed into him and he became a living being. I love this - God breathed the breath of life into man and man lived! Let's think about this a little more. God's breath is the breath of life, and its that breath that enables us to live. Without the breath of God we would be lifeless, but with the breath of God we live. This goes for everyone on the planet, whether they believe in Him or not. How amazing is that? Even those that don't believe in God have the breath of God keeping them alive! WOW!
A few years ago I was at a conference. I can still remember something that one of the speakers said and it was about the breath of God. The speaker said that when God breathed into the man He spoke His name or the sound of His name - Yahweh. If this is the case, as I believe it is, then this means that with every breath we take, with every word we speak, we say the name of God! This also means that with every breath they take and with EVERY word they speak non believers also speak the name of God, and so with that in mind they are proving the existence of God.
I love this thought. I love the fact that I say the name of God every time I open my mouth to breath or speak. 
If you don't believe in the creator of everything, and you are reading this - your breath believes in Him, even your words believe in Him, as every time you speak you utter the name of God. Make a real difference to your life at the start of 2012 - believe in the one that created you, make the greatest decision you will ever make at the start of this year and accept Jesus into your life. After all, He is your every breath!

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