Thursday, 22 December 2011

Don't wait!

Today once again I've put 2 chapters together. Revelation 13 &14. These two chapters have their similarities and I've never noticed this before. In chapter 13 John shows what will happen when Satan is allowed to rule the earth. The beast will be worshipped and all those who don't worship him will be killed. In chapter 14 John shows what will happen if people do worship the beast and receive his mark. They will be condemned to an eternity without God.
These two chapters are not easy reading, and to be honest most of Revelation is the same. However, just because something is hard to read doesn't mean that we shouldn't take it seriously. God is showing us through Johns words that we have a choice. We serve a God that doesn't force himself on us. He doesn't make us do things that we don't want to. He doesn't even say 'You WILL believe in me'
In chapter 13 the beast is saying 'You will serve me, you will worship me or else!' God doesn't do that, he allows us to make our own way in life, whether right or wrong. We are not robots, we have been given free will, however having free will means that we can and so often make mistakes. We need to realise that those mistakes are what will condemn us.
My God is a God of mercy, however He will one day be a God that judges a lost world. If you don't know Him today, do yourself the biggest favour you can ever do! Ask Him to be your Saviour, ask Him for His forgiveness and give your life to Him now! 

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