Sunday, 4 December 2011

No Compromise!

Chapter 2 of Revelation continues with today's church, which is the church of Pergamum. This church once again is praised by John, however he is also quick to tell them that they have compromised some things along the way. 
In today's society it is so easy to get into this position. We live in an era of political correctness, which is a posh way of saying we compromise a lot! Jesus never ever compromised. He was always true to Himself. 
I appreciate that we need to live in harmony with one another, however that should not stop us from living the life that Jesus has called us into. We are called to preach the gospel, the full gospel, not a namby pamby gospel. We have a Saviour that died for the WHOLE world. Therefore we need to let them know that Jesus is ALIVE! 
We must make sure if we hear something that is not biblical, we stand up and be counted. So often we as Christians don't have a voice, and the reason for that is because we stay quiet. We are not called to be mice, we are called to fight for the Kingdom. Jesus didn't die for us to roll over and say nothing, He died for us to have life in all its fullness. Let's remember that. We are sons and daughters of the Living God, we don't need to compromise, we don't need to stay quiet - we need to be all that He has called us to be and be Kingdom builders on earth!

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