Friday, 9 December 2011

The Fullness of God

Chapter 3 finishes with the Church of Laodicea. This church is called 'Lukewarm. The last thing we want to be is lukewarm Christians. Jesus commands us to go and make disciples of all men, but if we are lukewarm that is not going to happen. It's like being in no man's land. We need to make sure that we are firing on all cylinders. Jesus didn't go to the cross for us to be complacent in our faith. We are not meant to just go to church on Sunday and nothing else. We are the family of God, a chosen people, blood bought sons and daughters of the living God.
We have so much to be thankful for, we are saved by grace. We should want to shout from the rooftops that Jesus is Lord. We don't want to get into the trap that the church of Laodicea got into. They were complacent and so not living the fullness that they were called into.
I want to live in the fullness of Christ. That means that I have to make sure that I am firing on all the spiritual Cylinders that are on offer. Let's make sure today that we are fully charged and that we totally rely on God. Say no to complacency and hello to the fullness of Christ. 

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