Sunday, 2 October 2011

Do you contend?

I started Philippians today. This once again is written by Paul, and like Ephesians he starts with some encouragement telling them that he prays for them.
The verse that jumped out at me was verse 27, Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or only hear about you in my absence, I will know that you stand firm in one spirit, contending as one man for the faith of the gospel 
The word that really jumped off the page for me was CONTENDING. This word means to struggle, to fight, to engage in a competition or campaign in order to win or achieve.  
Do I contend for people? Do I contend for my family and friends? Do I get down on my knees and struggle for those that mean the most to me? 
We all pray for those that we love, we all pray for those who need prayer, we all pray for the lost. BUT do we fight for them? Do we fight for our churches? Do we fight for our leaders? Do we fight for our communities? I could continue with the questions, but what is the answer?
Personally, I don't think I fight enough. I pray for those I love but I believe that I need to fight for them, I need to struggle for them, I need to contend for them. Come on church - let's start to contend for our lost world. Let's fight for them, let's get on our knees and make a difference with our prayers.

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