Tuesday 10 May 2011

All we need!

In the concluding part of John chapter 6, Jesus talks about being the bread of life. This wasn't appreciated by the people he was speaking to at the time. In fact many of them were offended by his words.
This is a very important statement that Jesus makes though, especially in this current climate. We live in a want, must have society. Its all about we want therefore we must have. We don't wait for things any more. We would rather get into debt and have it now than save and wait. We live in a fast food society where possessions are more important than they should be. This is very sad. 
There is good news though. Jesus is all we need. He is the very source or our Salvation. In him and through him all things were made. Therefore, why would we want anything else? We need to remember that Jesus is always with us and wants to be part of our lives. Without him in our lives our lives are empty and completely pointless. 
I can remember watching a film where they decided that the meaning of life was 42! Well to be honest with you life without Jesus may as well be, because life without the creator of the universe involved is a waste of time. What is the point in being born and living for three score years and ten to die and be worm food? No point at all. 
I know I've waffled off the subject, but that is how I feel. We consume or want to consume so much in life that we forget the point of life itself - to be in a relationship with God! We can't take it with us, so why do we crave for the pleasures of the world so much? Our life is such a short time, but eternity is exactly what it says on the tin - ETERNITY! 

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