Sunday, 8 May 2011

Look what the Lord has done!

John chapter 5 ends with Jesus testimony. This made me think about my testimony. As Christians we all have a testimony; we all have a story of what God has done in our lives. Our testimony is the most powerful weapon we have. Satan cannot deny what God has done. Satan cannot take our testimony away from us. We should use our testimonies to help others realise that we serve a life changing God. 
Our lives should be a living testimony that we are Christ followers. Everything we say or do should point others to Jesus. This is a big challenge. If we get up tomorrow not really feeling very cheerful does that mean that we have to put a brave face on things? No! But it does mean that even if we do feel down we have a lot to praise God for and so should make sure that we don't take our moodiness out on others - we should praise God in all situations.
Let's look at it in another way. If we do everything to the best of our ability, without complaining, just in a positive manner, then people will see a difference in us and want to know why. I want to be different; I am different; I want to be a living testimony to Him!

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