Saturday, 25 June 2011

Acts 16 - Are you in a pickle?

In today's reading Paul and Silas find themselves in a bit of a pickle. They were arrested and thrown into jail! They were beaten and chained up in a cell for helping someone, but they still praised God even though they were in a sticky situation!
It's hard to think that if I were in the same situation that I would praise God. 
I'd like to think that I would praise God in any situation, but I'm pretty positive that I wouldn't. The reason being is I've only got to have someone say something nasty about me and I start to moan! 
I want to get the stage in my Christian walk where I Praise God for everything whether good or bad, whether hard times or easy times. Let's face it no matter what situation I find myself in, God is still on the throne! I still have so much to praise God for even if I am not in a good place. Jesus died for me, he took my punishment. Why wouldn't I want to praise him through the good and the bad. Let's try and not worry about the pickle we're in, but Praise God that he saved us from the biggest pickle we could ever have - separation from him. 

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