Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Acts 19 - Who do we follow?

In this chapter of Acts it talks of some of the Jews who went around copying Paul. They would try and heal people and cast out demons in the name of 'Jesus who Paul preaches about'  This backfires on them, as the demons don't know Paul they only know Jesus. We can do this sometimes, we can honour others above God. We can copy other Christians and not do what we are called to do personally. We can so easily rely on the faith of others without realising it.  
There are many Christian channels on television, and it is so easy to get drawn into what others are doing. They seem to have the perfect life, the perfect relationship with God, the perfect ministry etc...and this draws people. I haven't anything against Christian television, however I do believe that we need to be really careful. We need to make sure that we put Jesus at the top and not the celebrity Christians on the box.   
In the secular world people look up to personalities, they have their heroes. We too as Christians can do the same. We need to be careful and make sure that the only hero in our lives is called Jesus. We need to make sure that when we do anything we do it in the name of Jesus and not in the name of ............ Let's make sure the only one we follow is Jesus! 

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