Saturday, 5 November 2011

Don't judge!

James continues his letter talking about favouritism. This is a great passage as he describes how we as Christians can favour those that are wealthy over those who are poor. 
We live in a world that judges a book by its cover, we live in a society where looks matter. However, I praise God that He doesn't do the same. He doesn't look at what we look like or what we have to determine whether or not He will love us, He loves us no matter what. 
One of my favourite passages of scripture talks about this matter. It says in 1 Samuel 16:9 - "People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
How awesome is our God that He looks at the kind of person we are and not what we have. We are so fickle as human beings, we don't look at people in the same way. It's more important what people do or look like and less important what kind of person they are.We need to follow the Lord's lead on this one. We need to make sure that we give everyone an equal chance to know the Lord. If we only tell those that we like about Jesus then we are limiting the gospel. Jesus tells us to make disciples of ALL men and so that means the ones that we don't like too. Let's make sure that we are not so arrogant to ignore someone that is different. We are called to help the lost - that means wealthy or poor, important or not, friend or foe. No matter what we MUST share the gospel of Jesus.

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