Friday, 4 November 2011

Just do it!

Today's passage of scripture is James 1. The verse that really struck me today said this, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says
It is so easy to listen to what God tells us, but not so easy to always do what He says. In church for example. We sit there week in week out and listen to various sermons, but how many of them do we actually do something about? We even go to the person speaking afterwards and tell them that what they said really was good, and that it spoke to us, but does it actually penetrate our lives, do we act upon what God has said? This is so important, we have to live it, as well as believe it. God's word has to change us or else we are just grass blowing in the wind. Jesus came so that we could be different, not so that we could warm pews. We are meant to be followers of Christ working out our faith, not people that believe but do nothing. We have to work out our faith and make sure that we obey God's word. Let's remember that next time we tell a preacher that they spoke well - let's make sure that we hear the word and then act upon it. Let's make sure we read the word and act upon it. Let's be a people of action and not just people that listen and nod.

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