Tuesday 12 April 2011

The cost...

Todays scripture is Luke chapter 14. Jesus talks about the cost of being a disciple. There are many people in this world that believe it will cost them to follow Jesus, it will cost them their freedom. I believe that by following Jesus I am freer than I have ever been.
Many people believe that being a Christian is restrictive, but I don't feel the same way. People believe that they will have to give stuff up, but in fact when you come to know the Lord you don't want to do the same things, you don't want to get drunk or be the same person you were before, in fact you just want to live your life pleasing God and trying to help others know him.
I guess there is a cost for being a disciple as people don't often like you and many non believers don't trust you, but for me being a Christian is the most amazing thing that I have ever done.
I couldn't and wouldn't want to go back to my old life without God. I can't imagine my life without God and wouldn't want to imagine my life without him.
If you are reading this and thinking the only thing stopping you believing is the restrictions, then don't worry as there is no restrictions just freedom in the cross of Jesus. When you accept him as Lord of your life you are a new creation; the old you is gone and you are now accepted into the family of God; there is nothing that you could've done that would stop Jesus from loving you or dying for you.  

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