Sunday 3 April 2011

Who's the greatest?

Who is the greatest? This is what the disciples asked Jesus in Luke 9. Jesus told them, "For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.”
Does this mean that we shouldn't try to better ourselves? Does this mean that we shouldn't be ambitious? No I don't believe this, but I do believe that if we put those things before Jesus then we are on a slippery path. 
I believe that we should always want to do our best, in fact I try to do the best I can in everything I do, however, if this becomes the centre of everything then we are trying to be great and that means that we are taking the glory instead of giving it to God. 
Jesus came to serve, he humbled himself and came to suffer and die for me.  I need to do likewise, I need to humble myself and serve God. God wants to reach a lost world and we are the plan, so therefore we need to humble ourselves and do as Jesus did. We need to put our agenda's aside and just love God and love others, and let our future's be in His hands. Let's face it, there is no job more important in this life than showing someone else the road to Jesus. We can do that in whatever job we do, let's stop wanting to be the greatest, let's stop taking control of things and hand the reins over to the Creator of the Universe - He Knows what he's doing - trust him!

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