Saturday 23 April 2011

The Last supper...

When we think of the last supper we immediately think of the communion table. We remember the bread and the wine and what it represents to us as Christians, Jesus body broken for the world and his blood shed for the sins of mankind.
When I tell any story I always try and imagine what it would've been like to be there. I can imagine the mood at the dinner table being very mixed. Firstly, you've got Jesus washing everyone's feet and Peter getting out of his pram about it, you've got some of the disciples trying to work out who is the greatest, plus you've got Judas who is just about to betray Jesus and so is probably on edge, not to mention the fact that Jesus is saying things like, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” & “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you." 
We can learn so much from this scene. Jesus shows his disciples how to be humble and how to serve one another by washing their feet and he tells them that they should do the same - this includes us! When was the last time we humbled ourselves?
Then Jesus has to deal with the dispute of who is the greatest. He explains that to be great you must be the least of all. So many of us want to be great, want to be famous, want to be the best of the best. However Jesus tells us that to be great in the eyes of God means that we must be the person that serves, the person that is the least. When was the last time we put someone else first and not our own agenda? 

BUT most of all let's remember that just after this meal Jesus is arrested,tortured  and crucified for the sin of the whole world. Jesus knew what was going to happen, and yet he still chose to do it for me and you. 

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