Saturday 30 April 2011

Follow or Not?

Today's bible passage is once again from John 1. Jesus is collecting his disciples, and they are without question following him.
How amazing is that? Jesus tells them to follow and they just obey. How often do we just obey Jesus' commands. I know that I have on many occasions argued with God about what he wanted me to do, but these guys didn't argue they just dropped everything and followed. 
Not only did they just follow, but Philip went and got his brother and told him to follow Jesus too! 
We need to be open to whatever Jesus wants of us; we need to be ready to drop everything at a drop of a hat; we need to tell others about Jesus so that they too can follow his ways.
Lets be obedient to his call and share the love of Jesus with everyone. Let's follow him no matter what the cost, he gave everything for us, so why would we not want to give our all to him? 

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