Tuesday 5 April 2011

What do people see?

I was reading Luke 10 the parable of the Good Samaritan and something struck me about it. What do people see when they see me? Do they see someone who walks by the world and ignores everything, or do they see someone that is like Jesus. Do they see someone that cares for others or do they see someone that is so wrapped up in church stuff that nothing else matters.
The Levite and the Priest didn't want to get involved, they chose to walk by the injured man, but in fact it was the person that no-one would have ever thought would help him, his enemy. 
As a Christian I should emanate the love of Jesus, and if I'm not then there is a problem. I know that I'm not perfect, and I know that I quite often don't get this right, but I really feel that I need to try harder to show others Jesus. I need to be salt and light and not horseradish (which tastes disgusting). I believe that we are all capable of being like the Levite and the Priest in the story, afraid to go into situations that we feel uncomfortable with, but through the help of Jesus we can be like the Samarian that risked his life to help another, we can look out for those people that need our help and be a kind word of comfort, we all need to be Jesus to someone.  

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