Friday 1 April 2011

Let's take the chances!

Today I was reading the first part of Luke 9. Its the bit where Jesus gives the disciples a go out on their own. He sends them out in Power and gives them the authority to do exactly what he did. He sent them out to preach the Kingdom of God and so off they went. It says that they went from village to village preaching the gospel and healing people as they went.
Do you know the amazing thing about this story? We are also sent out with the very same power and authority to do exactly as Jesus did! YEY! That is really amazing!
I guess the thing I was really struck with was the fact that even though we have the same ability as the disciples we don't really do what they did. I can't remember ever going around praying for people to be healed! I don't even go out in the streets telling people about Jesus. I know I go into schools, but its not quite the same as telling random people in the street!
That also made me think, do I make every opportunity count for God? Do I make sure that when I can tell someone about the fact that Jesus loves them I actually do? Or do I chicken out? I must admit I don't always grab every opportunity. I know that I need to be braver as the opportunity I miss could've really made a difference in their life. I need to make sure that I remember that being brave and telling someone that they need Jesus and being laughed at is better than not telling them and them going to a lost eternity.
Lets remember that Jesus is with us and we have nothing to fear. If we loose friends through telling them about God then it is better to loose them in this life than for eternity. 


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