Monday 18 April 2011

Let's be a life changer!

I'm sorry I haven't written for a couple of days, but things have been really busy with our Big Easter Blessing mission, and I needed to just stop!
Anyway, I'm back now and still in Luke. Today's passage is about one of my favourite bible characters - Zacchaeus the Tax Collector.
I love this story and have told it so many times. Zacchaeus is not a popular man, in fact during the time of Jesus he would've not been on anyone's Christmas card list as tax collectors were hated with a capital H!
Jesus doesn't hate him though, he just loves him. This is how we should be. I'm sure we can all think of someone that we don't really like or don't have anything in common with, well that person is our Zacchaeus, and that is the person that we need to love just a little bit more! On a similar note, there are people that don't like us or feel that they have nothing in common with us and so that means that we are Zacchaeus to them!
Jesus spends time with Zacchaeus, he shares with him and talks with him and Zacchaeus' life is changed forever. Jesus' invested in Zacchaeus and made a difference in his life. We need to do the same, we need to invest in people so that we can make a difference in their lives. The only way we are going to bring the Kingdom into the lives of the lost is if we take the Kingdom to them. We need to go to those that need help and help them, and not just help the people we feel comfortable with - Jesus came for everyone, not just the nice, the clean, the rich but he came for the sick, the poor, the drunk, the tramp, the smelly, the person that makes you feel uncomfortable! 
Who is your Zacchaeus? We all have one! 
Go and find him and change his life! 

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