Thursday 14 April 2011

Who is your master?

This is a tough question posed in Luke 16. Who do I serve? Do I serve the stuff or do I serve only the Lord? Do I crave the things of the world or do I crave the things of God? 
I'd like to be able to answer both questions that I crave only what God wants for my life, but I think if I really want to be honest I think it can depend on what mood I'm in - which is honest but not good!
What if Jesus had said, well I don't really feel like dying so I'm not going to bother, then where would we be?
This is not just a tough question, it is a reality for many people. There are people that are so consumed by consumerism that they are in debt. We are a fast food generation that has to have it NOW! We can't wait and save for it, we have to have it because someone else has it and it looks good.
I can remember when I bought my i phone, I must admit I was really excited, and couldn't wait for the package to arrive. But is that really how God wants me to be? Does God want me to be driven by earthly things? The answer is NO!  
There's also another way to look at this too - how do we spend our money? Do we spend it wisely, do we save it or do we squander it as soon as we have it? God doesn't want money to be the centre of our lives, but likewise he doesn't expect us to be wasteful. He doesn't want us to be mean and he doesn't want us to be over indulgent. Our money isn't our money, our house isn't our house, our car isn't our car....etc...Everything we have belongs to God. We are only on this planet for a short while, so we are only borrowing things from God. Therefore if we are using his money to spend, spend, spend then we are not honouring God. 
Think about it today...Do you long for the next gadget? Do you long for your new car? Do you wake up at night dreaming about the next shopping spree? When was the last time you chose to give something away and bless another human being? What would Jesus do? Think about it - you never know what God will do through you! 

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