Thursday 31 March 2011

Go tell what he's done!

I was reading Luke chapter 8 this morning and found something I've read many times, but it really spoke to me. In this passage we find Jesus healing a demon possessed man. His name is Legion because he has so many demons. Jesus heals him and then tells him to, "Return home and tell how much God has done for you."
I love this, Jesus doesn't want the praise, he wants God to get the praise. This got me thinking, when was the last time I told people what God has done for me? As Christians we know what God has done, and its amazing, so why don't we share with others the miracle of what God has done for us?
When the man in this story went away, it says that he 'went away and told all over the town how much Jesus had done for him'  This is what we should be doing. If you know Jesus as your Saviour, if you have accepted him as Lord of your life, if you know that Jesus died for you, if you know that you are forgiven and saved by grace, then why wouldn't we go around sharing the good news? If we had just done something exciting then we'd be telling everyone about it, if we had just come back from our holidays we would be showing everyone endless reals of photographs, so why wouldn't we share the miracle of Salvation with others. That really is exciting!
I know that its not as simple as that, but actually it really is! If we are just doing like I said yesterday going to church on a Sunday and thats it, then that is not living our lives in the fullness that Jesus has called us into. Jesus didn't go to the cross so that we could warm seats in a cold building once a week. He didn't go to the cross so that we could play at Christianity. He didn't go to the cross so that we could attend a 'NICE' club and love one another and forget about the people that are outside who are going to a lost eternity!  
Think about it - are you a Christian that wants to see others know Jesus, or are you a Christian that just thinks about God when your in church? Are you a Christian that wants to share what you have, or are you a Christian that thinks its the preachers job to tell others its your job to listen and look after the building? I'm not saying that the other jobs in a church are not important, but if all we are worried about is the building, then we are seriously deluded about what Christianity is really about!
Jesus came into the world to save sinners, we need to go do likewise! Lets go and tell this lost world what God has done for us! Let's go and show others the way to eternal life! 

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