Friday 11 March 2011


In todays installment of Leviticus I read about all the different feasts and festivals. God wanted the Israelite people to celebrate what he'd done for them with a feast, he wanted them to remember what he'd done for them and celebrate it!
I think as Christians we need to get with the programme! Jesus has done so much for us and how do we celebrate it? We give a couple of chocolate eggs, maybe put on an extra service, have school holidays and call it job done! Argh! 
We need to actually CELEBRATE what God has done for us. I'm not saying that getting the Israelites out of Egypt wasn't huge, but dying on the cross to save mankind has got to be worth celebrating far more than escaping from an alien land!
Jesus left the comfort of heaven, to come to earth as a man, to lay down his life so that we can be forgiven! Personally I think we need to celebrate this, we need to remember what he did, what he went through, how much he suffered so that we could be in a relationship with God. We are so fortunate to live this side of the cross, we have a lot to celebrate this Easter, we have a lot to celebrate because of the cross, we have a lot to celebrate because Jesus made it possible for us to be forgiven. Let's celebrate what Jesus has done for us, lets celebrate daily with everything we do - lets do it for Him!

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