Wednesday 16 March 2011

Praise - whats that about?

In the concluding part of this first chapter of Luke we find the continuing story of the birth of John. Zechariah has just got his voice back after 9 months of saying nothing and the first thing he decides to do is Praise God. 
I think this is Awesome. I want my first words to praise God. I want to get up in the morning and praise God. I want to go to work and praise God. I want my whole life to be praising God. 
This doesn't mean that I have to go around all day long singing, although sometimes that does happen especially when you've got that one tune from Sunday stuck in your head, but it does mean that my whole life should be worshipping God. When I get up in the morning I should praise him; when I speak to others I should show them Jesus; when I drive my car I should behave in a manner that is glorifying to God; when I teach the children I should act in a way that shows them that Jesus loves them. Everything I do should be my daily act of worship for him.
We can't all be worship leaders, but we are all called to show this world that they have a Saviour. Our world is lost and full of despair . We need to show our world that we have a Saviour who they can put their hope in, a Saviour that will never let them down, a Saviour who loved them so much that he died for them.  
We have a lot to praise God for - so lets just Praise him and take a leaf out of Zechariah's book - 
 “Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them."

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