Saturday 12 March 2011

Trust in God!

In today's passage of Leviticus God instructs the people on how to look after the land. He tells them to work the land for 6 years and then leave the land un-worked for a year. This meant that they had to trust God completely that they would have enough food to keep them going through the year of rest.
This made me think, how much do I trust God? If God told me to give up work and trust in him completely would I do it? Many people do, and I am in complete awe of them.
But its not just about money, how much do we trust God in all things? Do we trust God with our loved ones? Do we trust that God will look after them? Do we trust God with every part of our lives, or do we only allow him control over the small things and any big decisions are ours to make.
This is a really hard thing to do, but my prayer is that I trust God with all of my life and not just the small insignificant part.

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