Saturday 19 March 2011

OK - where's he gone?

Once again I've been reading Luke. Today's passage of scripture is the passage where Mary and Joseph manage to loose Jesus! This always makes wonder how Jesus can go missing for 5 days.
This story shows us what an amazing relationship Jesus had with his Heavenly Father even at that young age. He loved God so much that he got lost being in his house, he forgot about what he should be doing or where he should be, all   
because he was spending time talking about the God he loved.

This got me wondering, how often do I get lost spending time with God? How often do I get excited about spending time with God? If there is one thing God has shown me today in this story its this...the stuff will get done, but I need to make sure that I get into the presence of God. So often we are so busy doing the stuff that we forget about the importance of spending time with God. We get lost, but not in the way we should; we get lost in the busyness of the day. I know that today that's what's happened to me. I have been so busy doing the things that I know needed doing that I haven't spent enough time with the Lord.
I guess the story that comes to mind is the story of Mary and Martha. Martha was so busy cleaning and cooking for Jesus, that she had no time to sit and listen to him. We can all have a bit of the Martha's sometimes. Being so busy doing things around the house, for family, for church or even for God, that we forget the importance of spending time with God and in his word. We need to be more like Mary, or more importantly more like Jesus. Jesus always took time to spend with his Father. We too need to make sure we spend quality time with God each day, so that we can grow just like Jesus did. It says in this passage of Luke:

And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature,and in favour with God and men

If we want to grow in wisdom and in favour with God and man, we too need to spend that quality time in our Father's house. We need to sit at the feet of our Saviour and listen to what he has to say. Let's face it if we are not sitting listening we are likely to miss what God has to say!
I believe God is asking me today - Jen where are you? I believe he's asking all of us, Where are you? We need to be able to answer - "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening" 
God wants us to get so lost in his presence that we forget time, just like Jesus did. He lost 5 days! 

Lets loose time with God today. Let's get off Facebook and emails, and chatting over the internet with friends and spend some quality time with God. 

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