Thursday 3 March 2011

Good 'ole Moses

Reading the continuing story of Moses this morning, once again it made me think! I know reading the bible is meant to make me think, but like I said yesterday, its the obvious things that we can so often miss. And lets face it, we can read the same passage time after time and see something different each time!
Anyway this mornings reading was once again from Exodus. Moses has gone up the mountain to speak with God. No-one is allowed on the mountain except for Moses, or else they would die! Moses after speaking with God comes back down the mountain to tell the people to get ready to meet with God themselves! They then prepare for 3 days to meet with God, during which they cleaned and consecrated themselves etc...
This got me thinking, how much do we prepare to meet with God? Do we come to church on a Sunday just to meet with friends, or because its what we've always done? Do we just go through the motions of church or do we really come to meet with Almighty God?
I think this passage of scripture shows us how Awesome and Powerful God really is. The Israelites knew that if anyone had gone on the mountain they would've died. If we really knew how Powerful God was, I think we'd have a little more reverence for him. 
We come into church on a Sunday, we talk and catch up with friends, sometimes we are even late! What's that about? We are coming to worship the one and only Creator of the Universe; the God that flung the stars into space; the God that loves us so much that he sent his Son to die the worst death imaginable so that we can have a relationship with him! HOW DARE WE! Would we be late for an appointment? Would we talk and chatter in front of the Queen? NO! 
We need to be ready to meet with our King. We need to be ready to worship our God. We need to come into the house of God expectant, and wanting to be close to him. I think we have really started to miss the point. When we come before God it is not something small and insignificant, it is something amazing, paid for by the blood of Jesus!
Let's learn from the Israelites and come into the presence of God with reverence, and awe. Let's come before the throne room of grace and meet with our God.

Our God created the World, the sun, the moon, and the stars. We need to remember that when we come into the presence of God we are coming to worship our creator, our Father, our King and our Saviour. Let's be in awe of Him!

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