Sunday 20 March 2011

John gets everyone ready

In today's passage of Scripture, John is preparing the way for Jesus. He is telling the people that Jesus is coming and he is warning them to be ready.
Good 'ol John, he was faithful to the end. He didn't mince his words he just told everyone he met the truth, he wasn't bothered about offending anyone.
I think we can learn a lot from John. 
I'm not saying we should go out in the street and start shouting at people, but I do think we need to tell people the truth. 'Its the truth that sets us free' People need to know that Jesus is the ONLY way, that Jesus is the SAVIOUR of the world, that Jesus died that we might be forgiven, that if we don't believe in Jesus and ask him to be our Saviour then its a one way ticket to a lost eternity.
I believe if John was about these days that's what he'd be preaching. He wouldn't be just telling us the nice stuff, he wouldn't be worried about offending people, he'd just tell them the truth and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
We need to stop worrying about offending people too. We need to realise that the gospel is offensive to those who don't believe. We need to get out of the boat and help others to come to know the facts. Let's show others Jesus and not worry about the consequences, lets be bold and courageous and tell others the best news they will ever here. 
I don't want to get before the throne of God and find out that someone I could've told about Jesus isn't there because I wasn't brave enough to tell them.

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