Monday 14 March 2011

Luke some more...

OK so I know it looks as though I've written twice today, but really my last post was officially yesterdays as I was poorly. So this is the up to date one!
Today's reading once again is Luke 1 and its Mary being told by Gabriel that she is going to have a baby.
I was teaching on this subject at Christmas time and really got blown away by this story. Its amazing to think of this young woman just going about her daily work and then an angel just happens to show up and tell her that she's pregnant! Oh and by the way, the baby is only the CREATOR of the universe! I really can't imagine how she would've felt!
Firstly she's not married! Although she was engaged, which meant at this time that she was in big trouble being pregnant out and unmarried! Then she's got to explain things to her boyfriend, Joseph! Good luck there Mary, not to mention telling her parents!
She should have been stoned according to Jewish law, she was really in a pickle, but because of the kind of person she was, because she loved God more than herself, she didn't complain she just got on with it!
This story really made me think about the birth of Jesus in a completely different way. Each year we celebrate the birth of Christ, but we forget to mention that this miracle was in fact the creator of the world being born! Imagine being Mary - she's not just pregnant, but she's going to give birth to the God who created her! Doesn't that just blow your mind? I know it completely blows me away just to think about it!

But the thing that really blows my mind is this - Creator God loves me so much that he chose to come to earth as a human baby to eventually die a cruel and awful death! Now that really does blow my mind! 
Thank you Jesus! 

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