I like the thought of Moses receiving the second set of Commandments, I know that Moses probably didn't, lets face it he's already spent 40 days and nights up the mountain and just because the people make a mess of things he's back again. Anyway, the reason I like this is because I serve the God of the second chance. How awesome is that? My God loves me so much that he gives me a second chance just like he gave the people of Israel a second chance. I know that people were punished for what they did, but God is a loving God and he doesn't want to see anyone lost and so because of that he gives me chance after chance to sort things out.
On the same thought though, even though God is full of love for everyone, one day God will judge us all for the things that we have done wrong. I know that I am not perfect and that there is no perfect person, except Jesus, so we have to make sure that we keep short account with him and know that he will give us the second chance even when we don't deserve it. Lets do the same to others, lets give others their second chance too.
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