Thursday 24 March 2011

The greatest gift!

Once again I'm reading from Luke chapter 5. I have read this story loads of times and use it in schools to teach children about friendship. Its the story of the friends taking their paralysed friend to Jesus. What a lovely picture of friendship - taking their friend to the Lord. 
I think this is the best thing anyone could do for their friend. To introduce a friend or anyone to Jesus is the most amazing thing you can ever do. 
This made me think, how often do I introduce my friends to the Saviour of the world? These people took their friend to Jesus and his life was changed forever. When we show others who Jesus is, then that impacts their lives in such a way that changes their lives forever. 
Jesus told us to go into the world and make disciples of all nations. That means that we have to tell others about Jesus and help them to know him. We need to be world changers, life changers and not just people pleaser's. We have a Saviour that loved the world so much that he died on the cross so that we could all be saved. We need to share that with those who don't know. Let's face it, if we don't tell people the good news then they might never know! How terrible is that to think that a friend or family member is lost for all eternity because I didn't have the courage to tell them that Jesus loves them! I can't and don't want to be responsible for someone being lost! So if your a friend of mine and your reading this and you don't know Jesus - 
Please hear this! Jesus is Lord & the ONLY way to heaven! Jesus died for you! Jesus wants to have a relationship with you! If you don't believe in Him then just ask him to reveal himself to you, just ask him to help you to believe.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jen for telling everyone what we should all be telling our family and friends, that Jesus is Lord and as you said he is the only way to heaven God bless love Kate
